Thursday, October 27, 2011

Multimodal Essay - Cassie Wolff

Cassie Wolff
Professor Lutz
ENG 151
20 October 2011
Planned Parenthood Funding


            Planned Parenthood has been stirring since 1916 as the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Indeed Planned Parenthood is a major provider for women’s health care involving breast exams, pap tests, STD testing and even cancer exams. Yet, along with those they also engage in another act known as abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy which has two major sides against or for consisting of pro-life or pro-choice. Planned Parenthood is described as the country’s largest provider of this injustice.
Controversies, as we all have heard and seen have developed over government funding for Planned Parenthood. The issue is that Planned Parenthood has abortions available for anyone who is wanted to terminate their pregnancy. Some believe in abortion funding that people should have a choice as to whether they carry their child full term, while others which includes the point of view I strongly believe is that abortion kills a human being, and isn’t that what we have been told over and over not to do by the government? The real problem being brought up is what percentage of the governments federal funding goes to abortion if any and how much goes to other dependable services.


Saint Luke's Catholic Church
              "State legislatures and their governors are trying to predict each states' abortion policy preferences that may give them some insight into potential state actions" (Gohmann 19). Who cares what other states have to think, abortion is not right in America's morals or values. So, this is where the pro-life involvement movement begins. Being pro-life indicates that you are supportive of a child’s life in the womb, with the understanding that life has begun the moment the child is conceived. Abortion is just as much a murder as pulling out a gun or knife to end one’s life.  During the first trimester is when a baby’s heart begins to beat along with all other organ and brain developments. Pain receptors are also beginning to appear during the seventh week of pregnancy. Therefore, the baby has already started its life inside of the womb and during an abortion the baby unwillingly gets their life taken away along with feeling the procedure happen, even in the slightest way.

Women who become pregnant should carry out what they had started, whether the baby was planned or unexpected. Some pro-lifers believe every aspect of this but can argue that abortion in the cases or rape are completely acceptable. "As an estimated 5% of rapes result in pregnancy, at least 4,623 rape-related pregnancies may have occurred in 2006" ( Kacanek 1). Rape is something that sticks with you the rest of your life no matter what, and having a baby come along with the tragic event may not be the best for some individuals. 
 A baby is just as much a human being as the rest of us who should have a chance to be born and experience what we all get to experience during our lifetime. We want to prevent these abortions that happen every day which is currently around 126,000. That is nearly 46 million babies’ that do not get the chance to live outside of their caregiver’s womb a year. These brutal procedures can do a lot of scarring to the mother of the child, leaving her or even the families involved with feelings of guilt mostly triggered by moral or religious values.
Tom Lehner
Religious values come in to hand with the concern of disobeying one of the Ten Commandments, though shall not kill. Yet, aren’t the actions of getting an abortion deliberately ending a child’s life as stated above? The bible expresses multiple times in up to as much as 1200 pages that people should not kill other people. Every child is a gift from god and deserves the maximum amount of love, and just because if by chance it had a mental or physical challenge by all means does not mean that the child is worthless. 

More than one option

Fox Searchlight
      Just like almost every other decision we humans make, you are almost always handed more than one option for any situation. Approximately one-half of the 6.4 million pregnancies in 2001 in the United States were unplanned… These three million unplanned pregnancies include 1.3 million that ended in abortions; 1.4 million live births that woman reported were unplanned at time of conception. Some women who accidentally become pregnant are not fit to become mothers or do not feel as if they are ready to carry on such a dependable responsibility. In this type of situation you can get the chance to put your baby up for adoption. If adoption is an option you choose instead of abortion or raising the child yourself you are given the opportunity to research the different kinds of families available and willing to adopt the baby into their family by looking at their values and backgrounds. For 25% to 30% of infertile couples, the reason behind infertility is never found. Women or couples who cannot get pregnant themselves often depend on adoptions for a hope of having a family.
Another option besides abortion would be a support group that makes the women feel like she has a better view on how to raise her child. Counseling centers are available almost anywhere to help educate you on your unexpected pregnancy such as what you don’t know about pregnancy and even post-pregnancy. This is a resource for pregnant women that needs to be taken advantage of, 11% o.f pregnant woman are diagnosed with Post Partum Depression. This statistic may not be much but with counseling services still being offered by Planned Parenthood we could get that lowered. Getting online to just do a little research to find woman who have had the same situation as you and what they chose to do besides abortion could help you in your decision making. Women who get pregnant and are too young to be on their own, such as the 468,988 babies are born to teenage mothers each year, can involve their family or the father’s family to help out whenever needed if capable.

Keep Funding Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is a service that is here to help people regardless their age, race, income, etc. They believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of their organization are essential to their well-being. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to also ensure that they respect patients’ right to privacy in anything that happens inside those doors.
Planned Parenthood as we all know is not just for abortions of unwanted pregnancies. It is a health care center that helps men and women all over the world to educate them make smart decisions for themselves and others around them. This is an excellent addition to communities’ in the United States for young people who do not want to share their sexual life or questions with their parents. Planned Parenthood has numerous ways educate young people about safe sex and the risks of having unprotected sex, such as unwanted pregnancies. At the clinic they offer all different kinds of birth controls to prevent pregnancies such as abstinence, birth control implants, patches, shots, pills, sponge, vaginal rings, condoms, and withdrawal methods. Planned Parenthood consists of testing for diseases as well as having support groups and pamphlets for anyone interested or curious about anything they have to offer.
If Planned Parenthood is completely cut by funding from the government teenage pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies will grow at an exceptional rate it is believed. This is so because some girls and boys will no longer have the availability they feel comfortable with to learn about safe sex or able to get those birth control ways and condoms if they are sexually active. Most kids are embarrassed or feel uncomfortable just going to a Drug Mart or Walgreens to practice safe sex by purchasing a condom, so getting rid of that advantage some kids use could increase the cases of abortions in which we are trying to stop in the first place.
Birth control pills
Another downfall of cutting all funding would be the exams and testing people can get at Planned Parenthood would no longer be offered. These exams make people aware of what is going on with their body and help reduce the spreading of STD’s and other viruses by giving patients the proper cure they need without telling an adult figure if that is the case for some individuals. Planned Parenthood isn’t just for sex related things either; Planned Parenthood also helps with general health care such as cholesterol for example. They have flu vaccinations, helping with the decision to quit smoking, high blood pressure problems and so much more. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood also has help and support available for the people out there with different sexual orientations.
Getting rid of Planned Parenthood completely is a mistake. Some may not realize this but birth control  pills that more than a handful of girls take on a daily basis are more than just to prevent pregnancies. Birth control pills are used for all different kinds of purposes. Woman who develop cysts on their ovaries are given the option of take birth control pills in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again because the cysts could lead to not being able to bear children in later years. 

What the Government Should Do

Planned Parenthood has many more advantages than people see, all the focus goes to the abortion aspect but if Planned Parenthood was cut all of its funding how would teens or other individuals get there help if all they depend on is this service? It is here to help make communities a better place by educating and providing services. Without it could you imagine what it could be like? Abortions only represent 3% of total services provided by Planned Parenthood. Federal funding is given to Planned Parenthood, but none of it is used toward abortion services. 
Lori Robertson
Abortion funding needs to be cut; it is an immoral act of killing a human being that did not have the chance to live. As the whole Planned Parenthood funding goes, we would end up being ashamed of ourselves if we dropped it on its feet. So many things could go wrong by ending it completely. Planned Parenthood’s major mission is to provide women health care like testing and exams to protect their body and other people that could end up being infected.


Cassie Wolff
Professor Lutz
ENG 151
20 October 2011
Planned Parenthood Funding


            Planned Parenthood has been stirring since 1916 as the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Indeed Planned Parenthood is a major provider for women’s health care involving breast exams, pap tests, STD testing and even cancer exams. Yet, along with those they also engage in another act known as abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy which has two major sides against or for consisting of pro-life or pro-choice. Planned Parenthood is described as the country’s largest provider of this injustice.
Controversies, as we all have heard and seen have developed over government funding for Planned Parenthood. The issue is that Planned Parenthood has abortions available for anyone who is wanted to terminate their pregnancy. Some believe in abortion funding that people should have a choice as to whether they carry their child full term, while others which includes the point of view I strongly believe is that abortion kills a human being, and isn’t that what we have been told over and over not to do by the government? The real problem being brought up is what percentage of the governments federal funding goes to abortion if any and how much goes to other dependable services.


Saint Luke's Catholic Church
              "State legislatures and their governors are trying to predict each states' abortion policy preferences that may give them some insight into potential state actions" (                  ). Who cares what other states have to think, abortion is not right in America's morals or values. So, this is where the pro-life involvement movement begins. Being pro-life indicates that you are supportive of a child’s life in the womb, with the understanding that life has begun the moment the child is conceived. Abortion is just as much a murder as pulling out a gun or knife to end one’s life.  During the first trimester is when a baby’s heart begins to beat along with all other organ and brain developments. Pain receptors are also beginning to appear during the seventh week of pregnancy. Therefore, the baby has already started its life inside of the womb and during an abortion the baby unwillingly gets their life taken away along with feeling the procedure happen, even in the slightest way.

Women who become pregnant should carry out what they had started, whether the baby was planned or unexpected. Some pro-lifers believe every aspect of this but can argue that abortion in the cases or rape are completely acceptable. "As an estimated 5% of rapes result in pregnancy, at least 4,623 rape-related pregnancies may have occurred in 2006" (                     ). Rape is something that sticks with you the rest of your life no matter what, and having a baby come along with the tragic event may not be the best for some individuals. 
 A baby is just as much a human being as the rest of us who should have a chance to be born and experience what we all get to experience during our lifetime. We want to prevent these abortions that happen every day which is currently around 126,000. That is nearly 46 million babies’ that do not get the chance to live outside of their caregiver’s womb a year. These brutal procedures can do a lot of scarring to the mother of the child, leaving her or even the families involved with feelings of guilt mostly triggered by moral or religious values.
Tom Lehner
Religious values come in to hand with the concern of disobeying one of the Ten Commandments, though shall not kill. Yet, aren’t the actions of getting an abortion deliberately ending a child’s life as stated above? The bible expresses multiple times in up to as much as 1200 pages that people should not kill other people. Every child is a gift from god and deserves the maximum amount of love, and just because if by chance it had a mental or physical challenge by all means does not mean that the child is worthless. 

More than one option

Fox Searchlight
      Just like almost every other decision we humans make, you are almost always handed more than one option for any situation. Approximately one-half of the 6.4 million pregnancies in 2001 in the United States were unplanned… These three million unplanned pregnancies include 1.3 million that ended in abortions; 1.4 million live births that woman reported were unplanned at time of conception. Some women who accidentally become pregnant are not fit to become mothers or do not feel as if they are ready to carry on such a dependable responsibility. In this type of situation you can get the chance to put your baby up for adoption. If adoption is an option you choose instead of abortion or raising the child yourself you are given the opportunity to research the different kinds of families available and willing to adopt the baby into their family by looking at their values and backgrounds. For 25% to 30% of infertile couples, the reason behind infertility is never found. Women or couples who cannot get pregnant themselves often depend on adoptions for a hope of having a family.
Another option besides abortion would be a support group that makes the women feel like she has a better view on how to raise her child. Counseling centers are available almost anywhere to help educate you on your unexpected pregnancy such as what you don’t know about pregnancy and even post-pregnancy. This is a resource for pregnant women that needs to be taken advantage of, 11% o.f pregnant woman are diagnosed with Post Partum Depression. This statistic may not be much but with counseling services still being offered by Planned Parenthood we could get that lowered. Getting online to just do a little research to find woman who have had the same situation as you and what they chose to do besides abortion could help you in your decision making. Women who get pregnant and are too young to be on their own, such as the 468,988 babies are born to teenage mothers each year, can involve their family or the father’s family to help out whenever needed if capable.

Keep Funding Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is a service that is here to help people regardless their age, race, income, etc. They believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of their organization are essential to their well-being. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to also ensure that they respect patients’ right to privacy in anything that happens inside those doors.
Planned Parenthood as we all know is not just for abortions of unwanted pregnancies. It is a health care center that helps men and women all over the world to educate them make smart decisions for themselves and others around them. This is an excellent addition to communities’ in the United States for young people who do not want to share their sexual life or questions with their parents. Planned Parenthood has numerous ways educate young people about safe sex and the risks of having unprotected sex, such as unwanted pregnancies. At the clinic they offer all different kinds of birth controls to prevent pregnancies such as abstinence, birth control implants, patches, shots, pills, sponge, vaginal rings, condoms, and withdrawal methods. Planned Parenthood consists of testing for diseases as well as having support groups and pamphlets for anyone interested or curious about anything they have to offer.
If Planned Parenthood is completely cut by funding from the government teenage pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies will grow at an exceptional rate it is believed. This is so because some girls and boys will no longer have the availability they feel comfortable with to learn about safe sex or able to get those birth control ways and condoms if they are sexually active. Most kids are embarrassed or feel uncomfortable just going to a Drug Mart or Walgreens to practice safe sex by purchasing a condom, so getting rid of that advantage some kids use could increase the cases of abortions in which we are trying to stop in the first place.
Birth control pills
Another downfall of cutting all funding would be the exams and testing people can get at Planned Parenthood would no longer be offered. These exams make people aware of what is going on with their body and help reduce the spreading of STD’s and other viruses by giving patients the proper cure they need without telling an adult figure if that is the case for some individuals. Planned Parenthood isn’t just for sex related things either; Planned Parenthood also helps with general health care such as cholesterol for example. They have flu vaccinations, helping with the decision to quit smoking, high blood pressure problems and so much more. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood also has help and support available for the people out there with different sexual orientations.
Getting rid of Planned Parenthood completely is a mistake. Some may not realize this but birth control  pills that more than a handful of girls take on a daily basis are more than just to prevent pregnancies. Birth control pills are used for all different kinds of purposes. Woman who develop cysts on their ovaries are given the option of take birth control pills in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again because the cysts could lead to not being able to bear children in later years. 

What the Government Should Do

Planned Parenthood has many more advantages than people see, all the focus goes to the abortion aspect but if Planned Parenthood was cut all of its funding how would teens or other individuals get there help if all they depend on is this service? It is here to help make communities a better place by educating and providing services. Without it could you imagine what it could be like? Abortions only represent 3% of total services provided by Planned Parenthood. Federal funding is given to Planned Parenthood, but none of it is used toward abortion services. 
Lori Robertson
Abortion funding needs to be cut; it is an immoral act of killing a human being that did not have the chance to live. As the whole Planned Parenthood funding goes, we would end up being ashamed of ourselves if we dropped it on its feet. So many things could go wrong by ending it completely. Planned Parenthood’s major mission is to provide women health care like testing and exams to protect their body and other people that could end up being infected.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cassie Wolff
Professor Lutz
ENG 151
20 October 2011
Planned Parenthood Funding


            Planned Parenthood has been stirring since 1916 as the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Indeed Planned Parenthood is a major provider for women’s health care involving breast exams, pap tests, STD testing and even cancer exams. Yet, along with those they also engage in another act known as abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy which has two major sides against or for consisting of pro-life or pro-choice. Planned Parenthood is described as the country’s largest provider of this injustice.
Controversies, as we all have heard and seen have developed over government funding for Planned Parenthood. Some believe in abortion funding that people should have a choice as to whether they carry their child full term, while others which includes the point of view I strongly believe is that abortion kills a human being, and isn’t that what we have been told over and over not to do by the government?


            So, this is where the pro-life involvement movement begins. Being pro-life indicates that you are supportive of a child’s life in the womb, with the understand that life beings the moment the child is conceived. Abortion is just as much a murder as pulling out a gun or knife to end one’s life.  During the first trimester is when a baby’s heart begins to beat along with all other organ and brain developments. Pain receptors are also beginning to appear during the seventh week of pregnancy. Therefore, the baby has already started living inside of the womb and during an abortion the baby gets their life taken away along with feeling the procedure happen, even in the slightest way.
Women who become pregnant should carry out what they had started, whether the baby was planned or unexpected. A baby is just as much a human being as the rest of us who should have a chance to be born and experience what we all get to experience during our lifetimes. We want to prevent these abortions that happen every day which is currently around 126,000. That is nearly 46 million babies’ that do not get the chance to live outside of their caregiver’s womb a year. These brutal procedures can do a lot of scarring to the mother of the child, leaving her and/or the families involved with feelings of guilt mostly triggered by moral or religious values.
Tom Lehner
Religious values come in to hand with the concern of disobeying one of the Ten Commandments, though shall not kill. Yet, aren’t the actions of getting an abortion deliberately ending a child’s life as stated above? The bible expresses multiple times in up to as much as 1200 pages that people should not kill other people. Every child is a gift from god and deserves the maximum amount of love, and just because if by chance it had a mental or physical challenge by all means does not mean that the child is worthless. 

More than one option

            Just like almost every other decision we humans make, you are almost always handed more than one option for any situation. “Approximately one-half of the 6.4 million pregnancies in 2001 in the United States were unplanned… These three million unplanned pregnancies include 1.3 million that ended in abortions; 1.4 million live births that woman reported were unplanned at time of conception...” (National Campaign 1). Some women who accidentally become pregnant are not fit to become mothers or do not feel as if they are ready to carry on such a dependable responsibility. In this type of situation you can get the chance to put your baby up for adoption. If adoption is an option you choose instead of abortion or raising the child yourself you are given the opportunity to research the different kinds of families available and willing to adopt the baby into their family by looking at their values and backgrounds.   “For 25% to 30% of infertile couples, the reason behind infertility is never found” (Gurevich). Women or couples who cannot get pregnant themselves often depend on adoptions for a hope of having a family.
Another option besides abortion would be a support group that makes the women feel like she has a better view on how to raise her child. Counseling centers are available almost anywhere to help educate you on your unexpected pregnancy such as what you don’t know about pregnancy and even post-pregnancy. This is a resource for pregnant women that needs to be taken advantage of, 11% o.f pregnant woman are diagnosed with Post Partum Depression. This statistic may not be much but with counseling services still being offered by Planned Parenthood we could get that lowered. Getting online to just do a little research to find woman who have had the same situation as you and what they chose to do besides abortion could help you in your decision making. Women who get pregnant and are too young to be on their own, such as the 468,988 babies are born to teenage mothers each year, can involve their family or the father’s family to help out whenever needed if capable.

Keep Some Funding for the Advantages

Planned Parenthood is a service that is here to help people regardless their age, race, income, etc. They believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of their organization are essential to their well-being. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to also ensure that they respect patients’ right to privacy in anything that happens inside those doors.
Planned Parenthood as we all know is not just for abortions of unwanted pregnancies. It is a health care center that helps men and women all over the world to educate them make smart decisions for themselves and others around them. This is an excellent addition to communities’ in the United States for young people who do not want to share their sexual life or questions with their parents. Planned Parenthood has numerous ways educate young people about safe sex and the risks of having unprotected sex, such as unwanted pregnancies. At the clinic they offer all different kinds of birth controls to prevent pregnancies such as abstinence, birth control implants, patches, shots, pills, sponge, vaginal rings, condoms, and withdrawal methods. Planned Parenthood consists of testing for diseases as well as having support groups and pamphlets for anyone interested or curious about anything they have to offer.
If Planned Parenthood is completely cut by funding from the government teenage pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies will grow at an exceptional rate it is believed. This is so because some girls and boys will no longer have the availability they feel comfortable with to learn about safe sex or able to get those birth control ways and condoms if they are sexually active. Most kids are embarrassed or feel uncomfortable just going to a Drug Mart or Walgreens to practice safe sex by purchasing a condom, so getting rid of that advantage some kids use could increase the cases of abortions in which we are trying to stop in the first place.
Another downfall of cutting all funding would be the exams and testing people can get at Planned Parenthood would no longer be offered. These exams make people aware of what is going on with their body and help reduce the spreading of STD’s and other viruses by giving patients the proper cure they need without telling an adult figure if that is the case for some individuals. Planned Parenthood isn’t just for sex related things either; Planned Parenthood also helps with general health care such as cholesterol for example. They have flu vaccinations, helping with the decision to quit smoking, high blood pressure problems and so much more. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood also has help and support available for the people out there with different sexual orientations.

What Should the Government Do?

Planned Parenthood has many more advantages than people see, all the focus goes to the abortion aspect but if Planned Parenthood was cut all of its funding how would teens or other individuals get there help if all they depend on is this service? It is here to help make communities a better place by educating and providing services. Without it could you imagine what it could be like?
Abortion funding needs to be cut; it is an immoral act of killing a human being that did not have the chance to live. As the whole Planned Parenthood funding goes, we would end up being ashamed of ourselves if we dropped it on its feet. So many things could go wrong by ending it completely. Planned Parenthood’s major mission is to provide women health care like testing and exams to protect their body and other people that could end up being infected.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Multimodal Essay - Cassie Wolff

Cassie Wolff
Professor Lutz
ENG 151
20 October 2011
Planned Parenthood Funding


            Planned Parenthood has been stirring since 1916 as a birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Indeed Planned Parenthood is a major provider for women’s health care involving breast exams, pap tests, STD testing and even cancer exams. Yet, along with those they also engage in another act known as abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy which has two major sides against or for consisting of pro-life or pro-choice. Planned Parenthood is described as the country’s largest provider of this injustice.
Controversies, as we all have heard and seen have developed over government funding for Planned Parenthood. Half believe in abortion funding that people should have a choice as to whether they carry their child full term. The other half, which includes the point of view I believe in is that abortion kills a human being, and isn’t that what we have been told not to do by the government?


            So, this is where the pro-life involvement movement begins. Being pro-life indicates that you are supportive of a child’s life in the womb and believe that abortion is just as much a murder as pulling out a gun or knife to end one’s life. In most eyes of pro-lifers, like me, believe a child’s life begins the moment it is conceived. During the first trimester is when a baby’s heart begins to beat along with all other organ and brain developments. Pain receptors are also beginning to appear during the seventh week of pregnancy. Therefore, the baby has already started living inside of the womb and during an abortion the baby gets their life taken away along with feeling the procedure happen, even in the slightest way.
Women who become pregnant should carry out what they started. A baby should be carried full term whether or not the pregnancy was planned. A baby is just as much a human being as the rest of us who should have a chance to be born and experience what we all get to experience during our lifetimes. We want to prevent these abortions that happen every day which is currently around 126,000. That is nearly 46 million babies’ that do not get the chance to live outside of their caregiver’s womb a year. These brutal procedures can do a lot of scarring to the mother of the child, leaving her and/or the families involved with feelings of guilt mostly triggered by moral or religious values.
Religious values come in to hand with the concern of disobeying one of the Ten Commandments, though shall not kill. Yet, aren’t the actions if getting an abortion deliberately ending a child’s life as said before. The bible expresses multiple times in up to as much as 1200 pages that people should not kill other people.

More than one option

            Just like almost every other decision we humans make, you always are handed more than one option. “Approximately one-half of the 6.4 million pregnancies in 2001 in the United States were unplanned… These three million unplanned pregnancies include 1.3 million that ended in abortions; 1.4 million live births that woman reported were unplanned at time of conception...” (National Campaign 1). Some women who accidentally become pregnant are not fit to become mothers or do not feel as if they are ready to carry on such a dependable responsibility. In this type of situation you can get the chance to put your baby up for adoption. “For 25% to 30% of infertile couples, the reason behind infertility is never found” (Gurevich). Women or couples who cannot get pregnant themselves often depend on adoptions for a hope of having a family.
Another option besides abortion would be a support group that makes the women feel like she has a better view on how to raise her child. Counseling centers are available almost anywhere to help educate you on your unexpected pregnancy such as what you don’t know about pregnancy and even post-pregnancy. Getting online to just do a little research to find woman who have had the same situation as you and what they chose to do besides abortion could help you in your decision making. Women who are pregnant and are too young to be on their own can involve their family or the father’s family to help out whenever needed if capable.

Planned Parenthood Advantages

Planned Parenthood as we all know is not just for abortions of unwanted pregnancies. It is a health care center that helps men and women all over the world to educate them make smart decisions for themselves and others around them. This is an excellent addition to communities’ in the United States for young people who do not want to share their sexual life or questions with their parents. Planned Parenthood has numerous ways educate young people about safe sex and the risks of having unprotected sex, such as unwanted pregnancies. At the clinic they offer all different kinds of birth controls to prevent pregnancies such as abstinence, birth control implants, patches, shots, pills, sponge, vaginal rings, condoms, and withdrawal methods. Planned Parenthood consists of testing for diseases as well as having support groups and pamphlets for anyone interested or curious about anything they have to offer.

Keep Funding for the Advantages

Planned Parenthood is a service that is here to help people regardless their age, race, income, etc. They are here to help those who are in need of being educated on many different topics. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to also ensure that they respect patients’ right to privacy in any case especially if an exam procedure is taken.
If Planned Parenthood is completely cut by funding from the government teenage pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies will grow at an exceptional rate it is believed. This is so because some girls and boys will no longer have the availability they feel comfortable with to learn about safe sex or able to get those birth control ways and condoms if they are sexually active. Most kids are embarrassed or feel uncomfortable just going to a Drug Mart or Walgreens to practice safe sex by purchasing a condom, so getting rid of that advantage some kids use could increase the cases of abortions in which we are trying to stop in the first place.
Another downfall of cutting all funding would be the exams and testing people can get at Planned Parenthood would no longer be offered. These exams make people aware of what is going on with their body and help reduce the spreading of STD’s and other viruses by giving patients the proper cure they need without telling an adult figure if that is the case for some individuals. Planned Parenthood isn’t just for sex related things either; Planned Parenthood also helps with general health care such as cholesterol for example. They have flu vaccinations, helping with the decision to quit smoking, high blood pressure problems and so much more. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood also has help and support available for the people out there with different sexual orientations.

What Should the Government Do?

Planned Parenthood has many more advantages than people see, all the focus goes to the abortion aspect but if Planned Parenthood was cut all of its funding how would teens or other individuals get there help if all they depend on is this service? It is here to help make communities a better place by educating and providing services. Without it could you imagine what it could be like?
Abortion funding needs to be cut; it is an immoral act of killing a human being that did not have the chance to live. As the whole Planned Parenthood funding goes, we would end up being ashamed of ourselves if we dropped it on its feet. So many things could go wrong by ending it completely. Planned Parenthood’s major mission is to provide women health care like testing and exams to protect their body and other people that could end up being infected.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog #15 - Cassie Wolff

                My topic that I chose is to write about abortion, pro-life. I think it will be a very interesting topic to research and find information and conversations about. I found four blogs that helped me understand the pro-life side of abortions.
                The first blog I came across was on by Christian Newswire. It was about a woman, Kortney Gordon, who was pro-life and who was a field director for Students for Life of America. The unborn child and Kortney were killed in a car accident, in their loving memory there will be a Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity. This blog shows the rhetorical appeals of pathos and logos. The pathos appeal is mentioned by the feeling you get by reading a woman who was killed and an unborn child who did not have a chance at life. The logos part of the blog explains, “Last year, we heard back from 64 girls who canceled their abortions because of the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity and dozens of kids who changed their hearts and are now pro-life, Kemper said” (
This blog is different from what I have read before because it uses a story to help explain the importance of pro-life in many others and that just one saved life is making a difference.
                The second blog I found was very interesting to me because it was a video. The author is by the website AbortionBlackout. This blog explained and informed a lot of information on why people should be pro-life and want people to end abortion by 2020. It used all the rhetorical appeals ethos, pathos, and logos. The logos part of the video was the statistics and percent’s shared to the viewers, “50,000,000+ ABORTIONS BETWEEN 1973-2009 IN THE U.S.” (http://pro.lifewithchrist.or g/permalink/59326.html). I believe the statement mentioned, “40% OF MINORS DONT TELL THEIR PARENTS” ( has a pathos side to it to those parents who don’t know their children have had an abortion and how upset they would be to find this out. The video also possesses an ethos side of the appeals, “REGARDLESS OF RACE, 100% OF ABORTIONS END A LIFE” ( That statement in the video also possesses a logos side as well as the ethos side. This blog is completely different than all the other blogs I have seen before because it expresses a side of pro-life in a more interesting outreaching way that really hooks a viewer.
                The third blog I found on Google was on the website called PRO-LIFE ACTION LEAGUE by John Jansen. To sum this blog up it was focused on the “Face the Truth Tour” where people go and set up abortion pictures at a major intersection so that a great amount of people can view what abortion really is. But to their expense they did warn drivers that graphic images were going to be shown ahead, so they had a choice to turn around and drive a different way if they did not want to see the pictures. Yet, though they warned drivers, some drivers had a major issue with these pictures being seen by their children which did not make sense since they were warned. This blog to me expresses the pathos side of appeal because of the graphic images it portrays to drivers and their passengers. I really liked reading this blog because it shows that people are doing something to try and stop abortions.
                The last blog I came to was on by John Jalsevac. This blog informs people that Jordin Sparks in an activist in pro-life events. I believe it uses pathos in this blog by possibly giving readers the want to be pro-life in abortion because the winner of American Idol is also pro-life. Also by the picture it shows on the blog from, “Jordin’s personal MySpace page (it is no longer there), shows Jordin holding up a popular pro-life sign—a red stop sign with the words ‘Stop Abortion Now’” ( 

Blog #15

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog #14 - Cassie Wolff

While reading What We’re Doing When We Blog I found two hotspots that I found interesting to me, and that I agreed with. “If we look beneath the content of weblogs, we can observe the common ground all bloggers share—the format” (Melzer 294). We all use the same format when we write in and about blogs. Blogs use a special way to write, you can write about things that matter to you. Its content that goes to your heart or something that just interests you in any way. You get to use the reverse-chronological format which I think is really interesting and a great way to keep a conversation about a subject going. When you go to a blog and see something a blogger has written in response to someone’s blog you want to read more and continue to read down the conversation and then end up putting your own thoughts out there for everyone else to comment on. It’s a fun way to engage with different people!
                Another hotspot I came across was “What we write about does not define us as bloggers; it’s how we write about it” (Melzer 297). This grabbed my attention because I think it’s completely true. Like I said in the last paragraph blogs provide framework. How we write about a certain subject shows what kind of person, personality and characteristics each of us obtain. It will show the readers and viewers what your views are of certain things which could end up in a friendship as said in the text. If someone and you end up having the same views on a lot of different subjects, it could result in a blogging friendship also stated in the Everything’s A Text. I agree with both of these hotspots mentioned.    

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog #13 Part 2 - Cassie

“Equally important is strong response writing in which you identify and probe points in a text, sometimes by examining how a piece is written and often by inserting your own ideas into the text’s conversation” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 104). This quote from the reading stuck out to me in chapter five because it tells you that you need to identify the main points of the text you are reading for you to be able to comprehend and interpret it the way the author wants you to. Also, as expressed in the quotes you need to incorporate your own ideas into the text as well to show yourself that you understand what the author is trying to get across. Such as coming up with your own examples to put in your writing or try to explain something to someone.
                The next hotspot I got from chapter five, had to do with the strong response as a reflection. “Generally, a reflection is an introspective genre; it incites you to connect the reading to your own personal experiences, beliefs, and values” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 109). I really enjoy doing reflective papers about something that interested me as a reader because some pieces really hit me personally. When I get the chance to read something that relates to my life in one way, I then like to express down on paper how or what happened for me to be able to relate to this kind of writing. I think it is a great way to tell more about you because it is an open-ended exploratory essay type.

                After reading chapter nine I also found a few hotspots, one being about conducting interviews. “Interviews can be an effective way to gather field research information” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 208). This stuck out to me as well because I love interviewing people. I agree with what was stated in this text that interviews are one of the most effective ways to gather information about a certain topic or question. You can get people of all different kinds, such as people that disagree with your question, ones that agree completely or ones that just don’t really have an opinion and tell you why. I think it is a great way to gather research.
                Using questionnaires could also be a great way to conduct an answer to your question in some way. “In constructing a questionnaire, your goal is to elicit responses that are directly related to your research question and that will give you the data you need to answer the question” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 210). This is also another great way I believe, you get to write your own questions down for a group of certain people and get the direct answers you want out of it. But it could also backfire on you. Questionnaires do not always give you exact answers, for some types of questions people may believe that they will get in trouble or harmed for answering honestly. 

Blog #13 - Cassie Wolff

While reading chapter 8 of Pearson’s writing I came across a few hotspots that stuck out to me when learning about informative writing. The first thing that stuck out to me was, “When using the surprising-reversal strategy, keep in mind that surprise is a relative term based on the relationship between you and your intended audience. You don’t have to surprise everyone in the world, just those who hold a mistaken or marrow view of your topic” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 184). This was important to me because it will help me when writing that I do not have to feel the pressure to write to everyone. I need to write the new things that I myself discovered and share it how I interpret it, so that I can help those that feel the same way I do about a certain subject. It needs to surprise my audience I am trying to appeal to and surprise them the way I was surprised as well.  
                The second thing I noticed in the reading was under revising. A writer always needs to revise their work, it is never completely finished or completely perfect. It states, “As you revise, make sure that your graphics (if you use them) and your words tell the same story and reinforce each other” (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 186). This also stuck out to me because I need to remind myself of this. After taking all the time to write your paper take the time to revise it, make sure they help each other out in what you are trying to get across. Like announced in the text of Pearson make sure it relates to who or what you are presenting to. Then after you yourself have revised your work, trade it with one or more persons to see what they think about your writing. I completely agree with both of these hotspots and think they have a lot to offer.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog #11 - Cassie Wolff

I think this is a good form of rhetoric because it uses a human to show and make people feel what we are doing to animals. (pathos)

This picture is good rhetoric because it shows that most people only get a product because it is on a billboard and looks "cool".